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That's a wrap! Editing process is complete!

What a journey it has been - today marks the end of the editing process. I am typing this having just exported the final product after months of hard work.

The last few days have been difficult and stressful to say the least. With more than half of my files corrupting, I spent a lot of time re-editing them down and putting them back into place in my documentary. Having had a few of my family and friends listen to the finished piece, I am now more than happy with how far I have come - this time last week, I didn't have all of my interviews completed!

I have had to be thorough in my work to ensure it is at the best standard possible. My target audience for my documentary is BBC Radio 4. The BBC's aim is to educate, inform and entertain their audience's and this radio platform is known for it's factual documentaries.

Something I was advised by my tutor throughout the editing process is to ensure that I don't swamp the documentary with music. I have struggled with this as at one point I felt the documentary came across as boring and dull, however after listening to feedback from peers, I now understand that the content overpowers any music I would have put it. I also took the time to listen to some Radio 4 documentaries and was surprised at the lack of music they had in their programmes, and that it was practically all speech based!

Watch this space, as the next blog post will be the finished and final documentary as it will go live later this evening. The deadline for the entirety of the assignment is tomorrow, January 11th 2018.

This is Living With Kleine-Levin Syndrome: The Unknown.

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